Torta-Semifreddo Settembrina


Semifreddo fichi


Ricetta “Torta-Semifreddo Settembrina” (4-6 persone ca)

Per la base:

- 400g muesli alle noci e mandorle (o gusto a piacere)

- 120g burro

Per la copertura:

- 630g yogurt intero

- 320g mascarpone

- 20g gelatina in fogli “colla di pesce”

- 80g zucchero

Per la decorazione:

- fichi settembrini (1 grande e 20-30 medio-piccoli e sodi)

- 120g lamponi (anche surgelati)

- 50g zucchero

-1/2 limone


Immergere i fogli di gelatina in acqua (almeno 10´)

Mettere sul fuoco un pentolino dal fondo doppio con i lamponi e lo zucchero (50g)

Sciogliere a bagnomaria il burro (o al microonde).

Tritare grossolanamente i muesli.

Unire burro e muesli in una ciotola, mescolare bene fino a che tutto il burro non viene assorbito uniformemente da tutti i cereali.

Preparare la tortiera (22-24cm d.) a cerniera coprendo il fondo e i bordi con la carta pellicola.

Versare il mix di muesli nello stampo e schiacciare con un cucchiaio fino a spianare e a compattare quella che sará la base del semifreddo.

Mettere la tortiera in frigo

Spegnere sotto i lamponi e lasciare raffreddare.

Scolare la gelatina senza strizzarla, metterla nel pentolino per il bagnomaria e farla sciogliere mescolando (o al microonde).

Lasciare raffreddare la gelatina ormai sciolta e stemperarla con un cucchiaio di yogurt.

Unire tutti gli ingredienti per la copertura in una grande ciotola e mescolare bene, fino a che lo zucchero si scioglie completamente e la gelatina viene bene incorporata.

Versare il composto sopra la base di muesli.

Lasciare riposare in frigo almeno 4-5 ore.

Decorare con I fichi: posizionare uno fico tagliato a metá al centro quindi adagiare il fico piú grande sopra di esso, tagliarlo quasi in quattro spicchi ma lasciare la base del fico intatta, aprirlo leggermente a fiore.

Tagliare gli altri fichi a metá e posizionarli intorno al primo a raggiera. Fare due giri.

Tagliare I restanti fichi in 4 spicchi e posizionarli nell´ultimo giro.

Subito prima di servire, filtrare la salsa al lampone, allungarla con il succo di ½ limone e decorare la  torta lasciando scivolare un pó di salsa dai fichi fino al bianco del semifreddo.


English version

This has been the summer of first times : good or bad are enriching experiences. Yesterday, thankfully, it was a good indeed excellent , I was in a tv studio of ArturoTV and for the first time in front of the cameras.

But how did I get there? Well, I wonder that too, but sometimes fate has fun and does tricks. In short, this year I met, during a business meeting , Barbara. She works for the same television network and is a passionate foodie.

I met her again when I came back in Italy because she is not only an exceptional television writer but also a nice person.We had a tea and talked about our blog … she is in fact a blogger too (link).

After a few weeks she contacted me to be a guest for the show “Indovina chi viene a cena” (Guess Who ‘s Coming to Dinner) with the cute chef Mattia Poggi. – All my friends have pointed out that besides being funny he is also very cute,  I did not notice it-

Of course I accepted straight away, they asked me to bring my own recipe. Two seconds later, once the euphoria was gone, the questions begin: What can I prepare? how should I decor it ? What will I say? But most important and most difficult for any woman: What should I wear?

I spent a week to look for the material and “baking cakes” just to say since I had decided to make a mousse that did not involve any baking.

I involved in tasting and consumption friends and relatives. Then yesterday, I arrived with Luciana, my super friend, taster, driver, groopie, and scene photographer, at the television studios.

Well we were there too early. They fix my makeup, and explained to me what to do. I  met Mattia and he asked me some questions … he’s funny and spontaneous as it seems.

We record 15 minutes of my first television appearance and it seems that everything has gone great : I talk about my blog, my photos and my work as a photographer. A hint of my private life, fortunately fleeting …

It has been a fantastic experience!

Recipe ” Semifreddo-cake Settembrino”

(4-6 people approx)
- 400g muesli with nuts and almonds (or taste to taste)
- 120g butter
- 630g yogurt
- 320g mascarpone
- 20g gelatin sheets ” isinglass “
- 80g sugar
decoration :
- Figs settembrini (1 large and medium- small and firm 20-30 )
- 120g raspberries (even frozen)
- 50g sugar

-1/2 lemon

Soak the gelatine leaves in water ( 10 ‘)
Heat up a saucepan from the bottom twice with raspberries and sugar (50g).
Melt the butter in a double boiler ( or microwave ). In the mean time chop the muesli.
Combine butter and granola in a bowl, mix well until all the butter is absorbed uniformly by all the cereals.
Prepare the cake pan (22 -24cm d.). Cover the bottom with plastic food wrap and edges with baking paper (folded twice nicely).
Pour the mix into the muesli base and press with a spoon until smooth and compact. That will be the base of the semifreddo .Put the pan in the fridge.

Turn off under the raspberries and let it cool off.
Drain the gelatine without squeeze it too much, put it in the pan for the water bath and dissolve by stirring (or in the microwave).

Let the gelatin cool off and mix it with a spoonof yogurt.
Combine all ingredients for topping in a large bowl and mix well, until the sugar and the gelatin are well incorporated.
Pour the mixture over the base of muesli. Let it stay in refrigerator at least 4 hours.

Garnish with figs: place one fig cut in half at the center then lay the largest fig tree above it, almost cut it into four segments but leave intact the base of the fig tree, open it slightly like a flower.
Cut the other figs in half and place them in a radial pattern around the first. Do two circles.
Cut other figs into 4 wedges and place around the last circle.

Immediately before serving, strain the raspberry sauce, stretching it with the juice of ½ lemon and decorate the cake letting slip a bit of sauce from figs to the white filling of the semifreddo.

This entry was posted in Food, Recipe and tagged brogiotto, cake, Figs, food, food photography, food styling, italian, recipe, ricetta, semifreddo, torta. Bookmark the permalink.
